Rector Search Committee
St. Edmund's is embarking on a new Rector search. The journey to find a new Rector involves an extensive process. And although it is our hope that a new priest will be called as quickly as possible, we understand that this may take up to a year or more.
The Search Committee will continue to update the website throughout the search process. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the committee at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
The Search Committee will continue to update the website throughout the search process. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the committee at the following e-mail address: [email protected]
Prayer For A New Rector
Oh God of grace, goodness, and glory, you know our needs before we ask, and what is best for us as we seek it; may your wise and loving presence guide us as we seek the next Rector St. Edmund’s Church. Please bless us with open hearts, discerning minds, and spirits of warmth and caring, that your will may be fulfilled, and we secure a priest and pastor who will boldly proclaim your Gospel, faithfully administer your sacraments, and serve with love and compassion. Bless those who are Co-chairs and Members of our Search Committee, and Mother Sierra, our Search Consultant, and all who will be candidates to serve in this portion of your vineyard. Make it so, dear Lord , that we grow in witness and in the ways of God, that in your time we will welcome home a shepherd who will lead and journey with us to you. All this we ask in the Person, Power, and Purpose of Christ. Amen.
Clergy Search Timeline
Vestry Calls the Search Committee
On Wednesday, June 1, 2022, the Vestry confirmed the following members for the Rector's Search Committee:
Search Committee Members
Dr. Michelle James
Ana Lewis
Ralph Moore
Dawn Prather-Hawk
Vincent Saunders (Co-Chair)
Ruth Slaughter
Melissa Smith
Dr. Roxanne Whitt (Co-Chair)
Sherman Wright