April 8, 2020
HE IS RISEN!! With those three words, we are reminded of the joyous celebration that Easter is - that Jesus didn’t die in vain and still lives. The hope for salvation and eternal life is ours.
A favorite childhood tradition is dyeing eggs for Easter. It is said that the hard shell of the egg represents the sealed Tomb of Christ, and cracking the shell represents Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Think of the strength of an eggshell which can crack with the tap of a fingernail and yet is able to withstand boiling temperatures and remain intact. Think of our collective strength as we face our future with the knowledge that it is our privilege to serve God, wherever we find ourselves. After all, He is the one who prepared us for such a time as this. In our most challenging moments, when we feel the most alone, He knows the strength of our shells. He is always with us, hears our cries and answers our prayers.
The next time you crack an egg, reflect for a moment about how you can break free from your own shells and continue to grow in your relationship with God. It’s a gift that keeps on giving that stands the test of time, again and again. A person who experiences true gratitude seeks to be a channel of blessings to others and “pass it forward”. As one expression of your gratitude to God, join other parishioners in making our customary $100.00 Easter Offering to St. Edmund’s Church in order that we can continue to shower others with blessings.
We continue to monitor all sources of information and provide regular updates. To ensure that our records are correct and information finds its way to you as quickly as possible, please email the church at [email protected] or call Ms. Kmetris Hunt at (773) 288-0038 to share with us your current contact information and your preferred method of communication: phone, email, or US Mail.
Please remember, it is important that we continue to share our pledges and offerings. Just as with our own household expenses, the church’s expenses continue. We appreciate those members who have already automated their pledge payments. Please consider one of these options:
With each option:
“Grant us the gift of your Spirit, that we may know him and make him known; and through him, at all times and in all places, may give thanks to you in all things. Amen.” (from the Book of Common Prayer)
Yours in Christ,
Fred Reid Andrea Flynn
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden
HE IS RISEN!! With those three words, we are reminded of the joyous celebration that Easter is - that Jesus didn’t die in vain and still lives. The hope for salvation and eternal life is ours.
A favorite childhood tradition is dyeing eggs for Easter. It is said that the hard shell of the egg represents the sealed Tomb of Christ, and cracking the shell represents Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. Think of the strength of an eggshell which can crack with the tap of a fingernail and yet is able to withstand boiling temperatures and remain intact. Think of our collective strength as we face our future with the knowledge that it is our privilege to serve God, wherever we find ourselves. After all, He is the one who prepared us for such a time as this. In our most challenging moments, when we feel the most alone, He knows the strength of our shells. He is always with us, hears our cries and answers our prayers.
The next time you crack an egg, reflect for a moment about how you can break free from your own shells and continue to grow in your relationship with God. It’s a gift that keeps on giving that stands the test of time, again and again. A person who experiences true gratitude seeks to be a channel of blessings to others and “pass it forward”. As one expression of your gratitude to God, join other parishioners in making our customary $100.00 Easter Offering to St. Edmund’s Church in order that we can continue to shower others with blessings.
We continue to monitor all sources of information and provide regular updates. To ensure that our records are correct and information finds its way to you as quickly as possible, please email the church at [email protected] or call Ms. Kmetris Hunt at (773) 288-0038 to share with us your current contact information and your preferred method of communication: phone, email, or US Mail.
Please remember, it is important that we continue to share our pledges and offerings. Just as with our own household expenses, the church’s expenses continue. We appreciate those members who have already automated their pledge payments. Please consider one of these options:
- Using your bank's ONLINE BILL PAYMENT system, set up St. Edmund's Episcopal Church as a payee,
- Visit our website at www.stedmundschicago.org and select the donate option, or
- Mail your check to church.
With each option:
- use your pledge box number as your account number / reference number and
- tell us how you want your donation applied (if specific information isn’t provided, your payment will be applied to your pledge).
“Grant us the gift of your Spirit, that we may know him and make him known; and through him, at all times and in all places, may give thanks to you in all things. Amen.” (from the Book of Common Prayer)
Yours in Christ,
Fred Reid Andrea Flynn
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden
Palm Sunday Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 1, 2020
Dear St. Edmund’s members and friends,
Palm Sunday commemorates the final entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem that leads to the Passion.
Placing palms, or branches and/or cloaks, in Jesus’ path is mentioned in all four Gospels, and it marks the days before his arrest on Maundy Thursday and his crucifixion on Good Friday. Thus, marking the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent.
This Palm Sunday, of course, is different as we cannot celebrate together as a result of Illinois’ shelter in place order. We will stream our Palm Sunday service via Zoom this Sunday. We encourage you to participate in Palm Sunday by having a branch and celebrating virtually with your St. Edmund’s family. Your branch could be cut from a tree or bush in your yard or made out of paper!
Father Narain will bless those branches as we carry them into Holy Week. We ask God's grace to follow our Lord in the way of the cross, so that, joined to his death and resurrection, we too may enter into life.
We will continue to monitor all sources of information and provide regular updates. To ensure that our records are correct and information finds its way to you as quickly as possible, please email the church at [email protected] or call Ms. Kmetris Hunt at (773) 288-0038 to share with us your current contact information and your preferred method of communication: phone, email, or US Mail.
Please remember, it is important that we continue to share our pledges and offerings. Just as with our own household expenses, the church’s expenses continue. We appreciate those members who have already automated their pledge payments. Please consider one of these options:
We, your Vestry, continue to pray with and for you:
Almighty and ever living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Fred Reid Andrea Flynn
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden
Dear St. Edmund’s members and friends,
Palm Sunday commemorates the final entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem that leads to the Passion.
Placing palms, or branches and/or cloaks, in Jesus’ path is mentioned in all four Gospels, and it marks the days before his arrest on Maundy Thursday and his crucifixion on Good Friday. Thus, marking the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent.
This Palm Sunday, of course, is different as we cannot celebrate together as a result of Illinois’ shelter in place order. We will stream our Palm Sunday service via Zoom this Sunday. We encourage you to participate in Palm Sunday by having a branch and celebrating virtually with your St. Edmund’s family. Your branch could be cut from a tree or bush in your yard or made out of paper!
Father Narain will bless those branches as we carry them into Holy Week. We ask God's grace to follow our Lord in the way of the cross, so that, joined to his death and resurrection, we too may enter into life.
We will continue to monitor all sources of information and provide regular updates. To ensure that our records are correct and information finds its way to you as quickly as possible, please email the church at [email protected] or call Ms. Kmetris Hunt at (773) 288-0038 to share with us your current contact information and your preferred method of communication: phone, email, or US Mail.
Please remember, it is important that we continue to share our pledges and offerings. Just as with our own household expenses, the church’s expenses continue. We appreciate those members who have already automated their pledge payments. Please consider one of these options:
- Using your bank's ONLINE BILL PAYMENT system, set up St. Edmund's Episcopal Church as a payee,
- If you have a PAYPAL account, so does St. Edmund's, using the email [email protected]. If needed, please request specific instructions from the Treasurer to ensure fees aren’t charged to you or the church,
- Visit our website at www.stedmundschicago.org and select the donate option, or
- Mail your check to church.
- use your pledge box number as your account number / reference number and
- tell us how you want your donation applied (if specific information isn’t provided, your payment will be applied to your pledge).
We, your Vestry, continue to pray with and for you:
Almighty and ever living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Fred Reid Andrea Flynn
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden
Human Being or Human Doing
To Join the conference call please dial
1-712-775-7035 (Access Code: 341479#)
WHEN: 10:15 a.m. March 29 and April 5
WHERE: From the comfort of your home via telephone
DESCRIPTION Conversations will survey the present human condition, human responses to the historical and existential crisis, reflect on Jesus the Christ’s response through the sacred scriptures and Church Tradition, and consider possibilities for a state of self-well-being that will be helpful to others.
READING MATERIAL The narratives of Jesus’ retreat into the wilderness after his baptism in the synoptic gospels- Mark 1, Matthew 4, and Luke 4. Other reading material, if necessary, will be supplied at the conversations.
The Way of Jesus- Sacrifice and At-one-ment
Contemplation and Action
WHERE: From the comfort of your home via telephone
DESCRIPTION Conversations will survey the present human condition, human responses to the historical and existential crisis, reflect on Jesus the Christ’s response through the sacred scriptures and Church Tradition, and consider possibilities for a state of self-well-being that will be helpful to others.
READING MATERIAL The narratives of Jesus’ retreat into the wilderness after his baptism in the synoptic gospels- Mark 1, Matthew 4, and Luke 4. Other reading material, if necessary, will be supplied at the conversations.
The Way of Jesus- Sacrifice and At-one-ment
Contemplation and Action
St. Edmund's Episcopal Church's Response to COVID-19
March 18, 2020
Dear St. Edmund’s members and friends,
We are certain that many of you are becoming overwhelmed with all that is happening around us as it relates to the COVID-19 infection. Please be assured that the Vestry, Father Narain and others within St. Edmund’s Church have been monitoring the precautionary guidance provided by our state and local authorities on an hourly basis. Their input along with the guidance from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and Bishop Lee has allowed us to develop strategies to defend against this threat to the best of our ability. We have attached the recent communications from Bishop Lee dated March 18 and March 12.
In these communications, the Bishop states that all parishes have a responsibility to help slow the spread of the disease. He urges everyone to stay home from church beginning Sunday, March 15. To be clear, he is requesting that all in-person worship, meetings and events across the Diocese of Chicago be suspended until further notice.
We are asking that all St. Edmund’s members refrain from attending mass on the following Sundays: March 22nd, 29th, April 5th and 12th as there will be no in-person church services. We know it is more important than ever to come together in community. Therefore, St. Edmund’s has teamed with St. Thomas to provide you an opportunity to worship from your home via Facebook. Look for us each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for our live broadcast on Saint Edmund's King and Martyr’s Facebook page and St. Thomas Episcopal Church Chicago’s Facebook page.
We will continue to monitor all sources of information and provide regular updates. To ensure that our records are correct and information finds its way to you as quickly as possible, please email the church at [email protected] or call Ms. Kmetris Hunt at (773) 288-0038 to share with us your current contact information and your preferred method of communication: phone, email, or US Mail.
It is important that we continue to share our pledges and offerings. Just as with our own household expenses, the church’s expenses continue. We appreciate those members who have already automated their pledge payments. As discussed at our church family meetings, please consider one of these options:
We, your Vestry, continue to pray with and for you:
Almighty and ever living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Fred Reid Andrea Flynn
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden
Dear St. Edmund’s members and friends,
We are certain that many of you are becoming overwhelmed with all that is happening around us as it relates to the COVID-19 infection. Please be assured that the Vestry, Father Narain and others within St. Edmund’s Church have been monitoring the precautionary guidance provided by our state and local authorities on an hourly basis. Their input along with the guidance from the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago and Bishop Lee has allowed us to develop strategies to defend against this threat to the best of our ability. We have attached the recent communications from Bishop Lee dated March 18 and March 12.
In these communications, the Bishop states that all parishes have a responsibility to help slow the spread of the disease. He urges everyone to stay home from church beginning Sunday, March 15. To be clear, he is requesting that all in-person worship, meetings and events across the Diocese of Chicago be suspended until further notice.
We are asking that all St. Edmund’s members refrain from attending mass on the following Sundays: March 22nd, 29th, April 5th and 12th as there will be no in-person church services. We know it is more important than ever to come together in community. Therefore, St. Edmund’s has teamed with St. Thomas to provide you an opportunity to worship from your home via Facebook. Look for us each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for our live broadcast on Saint Edmund's King and Martyr’s Facebook page and St. Thomas Episcopal Church Chicago’s Facebook page.
We will continue to monitor all sources of information and provide regular updates. To ensure that our records are correct and information finds its way to you as quickly as possible, please email the church at [email protected] or call Ms. Kmetris Hunt at (773) 288-0038 to share with us your current contact information and your preferred method of communication: phone, email, or US Mail.
It is important that we continue to share our pledges and offerings. Just as with our own household expenses, the church’s expenses continue. We appreciate those members who have already automated their pledge payments. As discussed at our church family meetings, please consider one of these options:
- Using your bank's ONLINE BILL PAYMENT system, set up St. Edmund's Episcopal Church as a payee,
- If you have a PAYPAL account, so does St. Edmund's, using the email [email protected]. If needed, please request specific instructions from the Treasurer to ensure fees aren’t charged to you or the church,
- Visit our website at www.stedmundschicago.org and select the donate option, or
- Mail your check to church.
- use your pledge box number as your account number / reference number and
- tell us how you want your donation applied (if specific information isn’t provided, your payment will be applied to your pledge).
We, your Vestry, continue to pray with and for you:
Almighty and ever living God, ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind within your holy Church; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Fred Reid Andrea Flynn
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden
A New Priest-in-Charge for St. Edmund's Episcopal Church
February 10, 2020
The Reverend Shawn Evelyn has been elected to serve as priest-in-charge at St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church in Chicago effective April 13, 2020, the church’s wardens announced this week.
Reverend Shawn, as he prefers to be called, is originally from Georgetown, Guyana in South America and was only a child when he arrived in the United States with his family. As a cradle Episcopalian, he was always active in the church and was recognized at an early age as someone who would be a priest. While serving in his parish, he was able to find ways of taking part in diocesan ministries, serving with the Program Group on Youth and Young Adult Ministries for many years, and even national ministries with the church. Rev. Shawn has a strong desire to share the love of Christ, explore liturgy, engage others through various perspectives, and in helping to make sure persons of color are represented in the church.
Rev. Shawn graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in the summer of 2019 and recently moved to Chicago with his wife, Rev. Anna Broadbent.
Rev. Shawn was the unanimous recommendation of the Search Committee after an incredible search process that involved numerous candidates, interviews, and candidate visits to St. Edmund’s. Rev. Shawn’s interview with the Search Committee was compelling. He shared his journey to become a priest and his story of faith as he worked in other professions and eventually listened to his heart to begin the call to ordained ministry.
“St. Edmund’s is fortunate to have the opportunity to call Rev. Shawn,” said St. Edmund’s Senior Warden Fred Reid and Junior Warden Andrea D. Flynn. “He is a kind priest and committed to developing lay leadership and youth. Our Vestry believes Rev. Shawn is the right individual at the right time with the right combination of pastoral and administrative skills needed to lead St. Edmund’s into the 2020s.”
The Reverend Shawn Evelyn has been elected to serve as priest-in-charge at St. Edmund’s Episcopal Church in Chicago effective April 13, 2020, the church’s wardens announced this week.
Reverend Shawn, as he prefers to be called, is originally from Georgetown, Guyana in South America and was only a child when he arrived in the United States with his family. As a cradle Episcopalian, he was always active in the church and was recognized at an early age as someone who would be a priest. While serving in his parish, he was able to find ways of taking part in diocesan ministries, serving with the Program Group on Youth and Young Adult Ministries for many years, and even national ministries with the church. Rev. Shawn has a strong desire to share the love of Christ, explore liturgy, engage others through various perspectives, and in helping to make sure persons of color are represented in the church.
Rev. Shawn graduated from Virginia Theological Seminary in the summer of 2019 and recently moved to Chicago with his wife, Rev. Anna Broadbent.
Rev. Shawn was the unanimous recommendation of the Search Committee after an incredible search process that involved numerous candidates, interviews, and candidate visits to St. Edmund’s. Rev. Shawn’s interview with the Search Committee was compelling. He shared his journey to become a priest and his story of faith as he worked in other professions and eventually listened to his heart to begin the call to ordained ministry.
“St. Edmund’s is fortunate to have the opportunity to call Rev. Shawn,” said St. Edmund’s Senior Warden Fred Reid and Junior Warden Andrea D. Flynn. “He is a kind priest and committed to developing lay leadership and youth. Our Vestry believes Rev. Shawn is the right individual at the right time with the right combination of pastoral and administrative skills needed to lead St. Edmund’s into the 2020s.”